Aikido Links
(Mouse over any link to view a description)
- Aikido of Dusseldorf
Frank Ostoff, Chief Instructor is a student of Endo Sensei, and former student of Tissier and Yanaguchi Senseis. He is also an awesome Tango dancer.
- Aikido of Modesto
Aikido of Modesto is a non-profit organization that teaches, in a family oriented atmosphere, an ethical and non-violent style of Aikido for physical and mental self-protection, fitness and healing.
- Aikido of San Leandro
This is the digital reflection of their dojo; all are welcome here.
- Aikido West
Aikido West provides daily training in aikido, a martial art focused on the attainment of physical and spiritual harmony. We also host occasional seminars taught by guest instructors.
- AikiWeb
AikiWeb’s principal purpose is to serve the Internet community as a repository and dissemination point for aikido information.
- Antarctica Aikikai
Welcome to the cold end of the mat! Enjoy your visit and perhaps leave a fish or two.
- Embrace the Moon Tai Chi
A beautifully executed site!
- Portland Aikikai
Includes the definition of the Art of Aikido.
- Puget Sound Aikikai
A community-run dojo in downtown Seattle. Puget Sound Aikikai is a not-for-profit community dojo dedicated to being a supportive and challenging place for the study of traditional Aikido.
- Rockland Aikido
Rockland Aikido teaches traditional Aikido and is a member of the Aikido Association of America.
- San Francisco Aikikai
San Francisco Aikikai's website featuring streaming QuickTime videos and QuickTime Virtual Reality object videos.
- TSU Plattenhardt
Department for Asian Martial Arts of TSU Plattenhardt, Germany
- Two Rivers Aikikai
Two Rivers is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing women, men and children with the opportunity for personal growth through the practice of Aikido, the Art of Peace.
- Vanadis Aikido
Vanadis Akido Klubb of Stolkholm Sweden, Chief Instructor Jan Nevelius Sensei, a senior student of Endo Sensei
- Xin Qi Shen Dojo
The purpose of Xin Qi Shen Dojo is to promote quality in the internal martial arts, train future instructors, and pass along the principles of the arts as taught by my teachers and the lineage they represent.
- Zanshin Fine Arts
Zanshin: 'remaining mind' - a balanced, aware state cultivated by the martial artist well befitting the visual artist.
Prevention and Health Links
Unique Links